Cover letter
That was our first bus ride in Nepal, the 2nd day we were in the country. The bus leaves 430am (bloody early), all because the Maoists insurgence, we have to make it to Katmandu within daytime. Bus was stopped at least dozen times, 7 times all male passengers have to get off to be searched in the military checkpoint.
The road is decorated like as a war zone, bunkers with machine guns, barbed wire. Whatever on movie it is real now. Patrols armed to teeth, fingers on the triggers.
This is the first time I was put in a situation like this. Was bit freaked out even try to play it down on the surface. My friend and me were waived being searched because we are foreigners. But I really feel bad for those people.
The Katmandu is cool place not just in terms of temperature. I like it a lot. But the point coming to Nepal is about trekking. Then I got it. 17 days Everest base camp trek.
It's awesome.
We also had our first Maoist encounter as a plus on this trek. A 'girl' solider. A shy country girl has a pistol sling over her shoulder. When I noticed her pistol and the word 'Cool' slips out my mouth. Then G and me suddenly realized we are behind enemy line. Good for her, she just shy away. I didn't get a chance to interrogate her. :) The truth is my friend G and me all almost shit on pants because we were just arguing the food price with the guesthouse owner. We were basically stoned there not knowing if we should run or stay. Will they shot us because we asked the 50% discount. Should we propose to change it to 30% to make them happy? :)
Okay, Stop bullshiting. Here are the pictures. I promised I am coming back, Nepal.

Everest from the Kalapatar (Black rock), Nepal

Treker, Kalapatar (Black rock), Nepal

My backpack, Nepal

Unknown Peak, Nepal

Unknown peak, Nepal

Glacier lake, Nepal


Gompa, Nepal

Monastary, Nepal

Mani stone, Nepal


Valley, Nepal


Village, Nepal

Village, Nepal

Village, Nepal

Maoists controlled village, Yes, Maoist, they worship Chairman Mao. Look the slogan on the wall. Nepal

Village, Nepal

Kitchen, Nepal

Smoke meat, Nepal

Festival, Nepal

Festival Offering, Nepal

Festival Offering,Nepal

Porter's gear, Nepal

Porters, Nepal

Hindu temple, Kathmandu, Nepal

Buddhist temple, Nepal

Budda's eye, Nepal

Kathmandusurburbb, Nepal

Giant Gompa, Kathmandu, Nepal

Durbar Square, Nepal

Durbar square, Kathmandu, Nepal

Masks shop, Thamel, Nepal

Thamel, Nepal

Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal

Check post, East Nepal

Landrover made in 50s, market value 2000US. It works fine. Nepal

rickshaws, Nepal

Welcome to Nepal

Small village bordering India, Nepal